New York is considering the matter, and New Mexico has made some accomplishment in this direction. However in the last named case, pressures from local Roman Catholic officials prevented any improvement in the sex law situation. A penal code revision in California will carry great weight in making such revisions possible in other states.


Mattachine's concern is this: We must have articulate and knowledgeable spokesmen appear before this commission to express important points of view in private adult sexual expression and freedom to read which we hope will be embodied in the new code. Competent persons for this task are at hand (Mattachine already maintains a registered legislative advisor). A strong and solvent organization behing them will be required to give substance to what they will say.

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Mattachine makes no claim toward bringing about the Governor's decision to set wheels turning toward a revised penal code; it was only one of many individuals and groups in California which have been working for more than decade to bring this about. And Mattachine has no delusions that it will be any more than partly instrumental in the acceptance of a revised code which will reflect the sexual freedoms for responsible adults which we have advocated. But Mattachine will make its voice heard as one of many groups seeking those freedoms, and opposing those who would lead us further into the dark ages of repression.

2. MORE INDIVIDUAL SOCIAL SERVICES. Mattachine's social service caseload has increased overwhelmingly in the past four years. Today it has reached the volume which makes those experienced in serving the more widely accepted social service agencies wonder how so few do so much for so many with so little resources. The answer has been that we had to. The crying need for immediate help could not go unheeded," even at what was often personal expense on the part of staff members. But this situation has undergone change-the change was forced upon us by the very lack of resources we have mentioned. Today the same-even greater-services are available, but those who are actually helped are now required to help underwrite the cost involved.

Nominal donations must be required from persons seeking referrals, legal aid, employment sources, and other social services. In tum, for these persons there has been set up vastly greater sources of aid on a professional basis.


First, a staff psychologist has been added. On a regular schedule to be announced, this experienced psychological counselor will fill appointments with those who need professionsl assistance. This marks the beginning of fulfillment of a dream long held by Mattachine leadership-that of providing professional counseling service at the Mattachine offices or in space


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adjacent to them. Secondly, a previous step which also partially fulfilled that dream was the establishment of a regular "group therapy" or "group discussion" project which has been conducted successfully under the guidance of Dr. G. Rothman, psychiatrist. Her sessions, held on the second Tuesday evening of each month, have attracted a steady and constantly growing group of persons who enjoy and benefit from the participation. A nominal donation is the only fee.

Third, exploration is now under way to determine the practicality of qualifying a new regular staff member as a professional vocational guidance counselor who can actually place unemployed persons in jobs. This most pressing need has not gone neglected, but the process of referral to established commercial employment agencies, to private employers, and to the state employment service has not been adequate to meet the needs of so many who come to us. Literally dozens and dozens of persons have been placed in jobs-sometimes as many as three persons in a week-but these present referral services do not serve the average of five persons a week who ask us to help them find work.


3. IMPROVEMENT OF CONTENT OF MATTACHINE PUBLICATIONS. Recently a new assistant editor has been named to concentrate on upgrading the material in Mattachine REVIEW and INTERIM. Jim Ramp, a professional writer and editor, will assist Lewis Christie and Rolland Howard in editorial and copy preparation capacities,' and will provide a more prompt critical evaluation of manuscripts submitted, together with correspondence to authors who send material to us, as indicated. Preparation and distribution of the newsletter has now been placed in the hands of the new Mattachine Project Committe headed by Charles David. This means the newsletter, a stepchild which has appeared infrequently at best during the past year, will be returned to a monthly schedule.

4. RESUMPTION OF DISCUSSION FORUMS AND SEMINARS. Under the new Project Committee, the monthly discussion forums with professional speakers will be resumed in October, and a seminar (aftemoon program and evening dinner with speaker) has been scheduled for December 7th. With a strong campaign of direct mail publicity it is expected that the many persons who have asked for these events will respond with interest and support.

· 5..CONSISTENTLY PROMPT ATTENTION TO ADMINISTRATIVE DETAIL. While this gigantic burden has been capably handled in the past by Don Lucas, executive secretary, assistance in the form of regular volunteer work during the business day is now at hand to ease this task somewhat, and to expedite the flow of this work. Many past offers of volunteers to help in the office have been appreciated, but the fact has been that